Ellen Asked Kim Kardashian Some Tough Questions About The Khloé/Tristan Drama And Kim Didn't Hold Back

“Khloé’s so strong and she’s doing the best that she can. It’s a really sad situation all over.”

If you're here trying to tell me that you don't know about the Khloé Kardashain / Tristan Thompson cheating scandal then I'm sorry but I don't believe you.


Because even if you were trying to avoid ~Kardashian news~ you must've seen the footage of Tristan allegedly cheating on Khloé while she was pregnant. It was literally everywhere.


As predicted, the Kardashians have basically kept silent on the allegations. Kim literally said that they don't talk about drama concerning other family members, so that was to be expected.

As predicted, the Kardashians have basically kept silent on the allegations. Kim literally said that they don't talk about drama concerning other family members, so that was to be expected.

The Ellen Show

Except Kim just appeared on The Ellen Show and she may as well have taken a kettle as her plus one because she was spilling piping hot tea left, right, and centre.

Except Kim just appeared on The Ellen Show and she may as well have taken a kettle as her plus one because she was spilling piping hot tea left, right, and centre.

The Ellen Show

Obviously Ellen, queen of getting answers that the people want to hear, dived straight in and was like "[Khloé's] boyfriend [was] seen on video cheating", to which Kim gave a subtle nod while sipping on the tea she about to spill.

Obviously Ellen, queen of getting answers that the people want to hear, dived straight in and was like "[Khloé's] boyfriend [was] seen on video cheating", to which Kim gave a subtle nod while sipping on the tea she about to spill.

The Ellen Show

And straight off the bat, Kim decided she wasn't going to hold back, calling the whole situation "fucked up".

And straight off the bat, Kim decided she wasn't going to hold back, calling the whole situation "fucked up".

The Ellen Show

I'm not even kidding, this was Kim's reaction when Ellen asked if she even liked Tristan in the first place.

I'm not even kidding, this was Kim's reaction when Ellen asked if she even liked Tristan in the first place.

The Ellen Show

And this was my reaction when Kim didn't answer the question, especially now I know that Kim has unfollowed Tristan on social media.

And this was my reaction when Kim didn't answer the question, especially now I know that Kim has unfollowed Tristan on social media.


Instead she said that "Khloé always dives into relationships and puts her whole heart into everything" but that the Kardashians always welcome anybody the family are dating into the mix as one of their own.

Instead she said that "Khloé always dives into relationships and puts her whole heart into everything" but that the Kardashians always welcome anybody the family are dating into the mix as one of their own.

The Ellen Show

But the most heartbreaking part was when Kim pointed out that Khloé fell in love with daughter True while finding out about the allegations.

But the most heartbreaking part was when Kim pointed out that Khloé fell in love with daughter True while finding out about the allegations.

The Ellen Show

When she's gone through really tough things in the past she's always kept that from us and kinda dealt with it until it became public. You know, stuff with Lamar, things I guess were happening for a year and we didn't know about it and we always think we're so close but she does such a good job at keeping that so private.

But don't expect Kim to start trash talking Tristan anytime soon, because she made a pact with her brother, Rob, not to bad mouth someone's partner when there's a child involved. Instead, she's vowed to "keep it cute and keep it classy".

But don't expect Kim to start trash talking Tristan anytime soon, because she made a pact with her brother, Rob, not to bad mouth someone's partner when there's a child involved. Instead, she's vowed to "keep it cute and keep it classy".

The Ellen Show

So how's Khloé doing right now? Surprisingly quite well!

So how's Khloé doing right now? Surprisingly quite well!

The Ellen Show

And apparently Khloé's taken to motherhood like a true pro.

And apparently Khloé's taken to motherhood like a true pro.

The Ellen Show

"I think she's not thinking of anything, I think she just wants a clear head and just wants to be alone with her baby and figure that out ... She's still [in Cleveland], and she wanted to have some alone time with the baby and figure out what her next steps are.

Kim finished by saying that she thinks Khloé just needs a minute to herself and has the support of the whole family.

Kim finished by saying that she thinks Khloé just needs a minute to herself and has the support of the whole family.

The Ellen Show

You can watch the full clip here:


from BuzzFeed - Celebrity https://ift.tt/2r9RvGn


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